
Saturday, May 28, 2005

Back in SC: whew!

I have to warn all of my readers that this post will cover at least 2 months of my life. I will leave lots of it out but it just my way of trying to preserve my college years. There may be many parts that are boring but get over it. There are some interesting things hidden inside so keep reading.

detail my trip
My trip back from Miami was CRAZY!
Casey and I were going in her little tiny honda civic. I somehow managed to pack all of my moving stuff in there. lol.. and we still had room.
We left at 9 at night.. lol we had intended to leave at 5 or earlier but my valiant quest for a powertool was stopped short when niether of the res colleges had one. I found someone with a basically trashed room and a half dissassmbled loft. They had a cordless drill and no charger. The drill was dying. I thought I would help them out and then use the drill. But NO, the drill died first. I found another drill... but it was cordless and uncharged as well. Finally I got one from my friend Max and he brought a charger. Jeez! what's with the cordless tools! I know cellphones are cordless and cool, but a drill really isn't on the same level as a cellphone is it?! Huh?! Huh?! Just plug it in, plug it in... (set to the tune of Glade's plugins).

We were finally on the road and as soon as we happily got into good ol' South Cackilacky I heard a very big POP. We pulled over and i could hear air hissing out of the left rear tire. IDIOT me decided we could still make it off the interestate and to a place where we could get a new tire. So I start driving slow and 30 seconds later Casey's car is grinding to a halt. The car had started to bounce from the now completely flat tire. It was still dark outside... about 5:30 in the morning. I used my handy dandy macho instincts (and a little of what my dad taught me over winter break) to change the tire. Only I had massive 18 wheelers careening past me at 80 miles an hour in the right lane. Not only that, but the jack was impossibly hard to find, let alone get out of the car. That took about 10 minutes and a good look through the drivers manual. Then they really threw me for a loop. In their ultimate wisdom, Casey's parents had opted for the Anti-theft wheel bolts. So I had no idea how to get this really squigly bolt off with a hex wrench. Forntunately another dive into the glove compartment revealed the anti-theft hex wrench extension and I got the bolts off. LOL, then I was trying to get the wheel off. All while Casey was standing around almost in tears, asking if she could do anything. but the thing was.... I couldn't get the wheel off. I don't know if I'm just a weakling or what. but I was pulling with all my might on a wheel that was facing the road. If I had managed to get the wheel off like that, I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. I'd be roadkill. But as luck would have it... I did get the wheel off.... I just had to pump the jack a little more... what can I say, it was REALLY early in the morning.

tire breaks, the works
the Cafe And Then Some show
started school SOC 101 haha
SC Pride no mention of Brian really.
Jeremy and Patrick's movie
Future of evolution of humans
my utopia
the diamond age.

Okay and then the next weekend I went to Charlotte and clubbed there for the first time. We went to Scorpios with two of my co-workers. They were fun to hang around and I really enjoyed spending time with them. They also gave me a lot of crap for dancing with this kid named Phillip. The club was packed and 3 extra parking lots were full of cars. There were tons of people there and it was my judgement that none of them could dance. Finally while I was trying to dance with this really cool looking kid with cut-off sleaves, Phillip comes out of nowhere and starts a dance competition with me. We have different styles of dancing and I make awkward movements sometimes but I think I held my own. Anyway, after we were both dog-tired I sat down and talked to Phillip and his friend. Phillip was from Georgia and was visiting his friend. His friend invited me back to his place and I flatly declined. I make a point of not doing stupid stuff like that. Plus, I had school the next morning (this was Sunday night). Anyway, my co-workers gave me a hard time on the way back home and I didn't get much sleep that night.

However, the next day, I get a call from Phillip saying that he wants to meet me for lunch on Tuesday. He would be driving back to GA and we decided to eat at Coffee Underground after I took my test for Soc 101.

got a 98 easy class
started painting house
went out to the castle that weekend, met up with old friends
castle next weekend, bo's house working a lot
Riverdance show !!! amazing
test grade
revenge of the sith

Monday, May 09, 2005

Wasting time and saving memories

I've been done with my final exams since Friday afternoon. It feels great to be finished. Unfortunately I had some English work to turn in last night, and I have a complex program to write for Wednesday. But basically, I'm free to do what I want.

On Friday night half of UM was at Coliseum and I managed to catch it on camera. Wow. Lyle sucked face for almost 3 hours. The drag show was hilarious. Tori Alamays (sp) ("don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?") sang a couple songs. And we just partied all night long. Haha, I got back at 6am. That's way too late, even for me. And then, 6 hours later, another party was starting at Chelsea's house and suppposed to last until midnight. Needless to say, I didn't make it to that. My body just doesn't function that way. I have tons of pictures on Flickr from Friday night, so I hope you enjoy.

I'm looking forward to the next few days. On Sunday, Danny picked up 4 boxes of my things to take to his house. I still have at least 1 or 2 more to be packed and picked up later. But for now, I'm just listening to my audiobook, The Hacker Ethic and laying out at the pool. I plan to exercise a lot tonight. I will certainly be rollerblading and doing pushups because I absolutely need to get back into shape. I've lost 10 pounds since coming to college and I can guarantee it is all muscle weight.

When I do finally head home, I will be riding with Casey. Our plans are to go up Thursday after her final exam. Then drive through the night and arrive at my house early Friday morning. We unpack then, and head to sleep until around 1 or 2. Then I hope we can hang out with my brother and get some ice cream or something. Then around 4:30, Jeremy gets out of practice (correct me if i'm wrong). We pick him up and go shopping (I'm missing some prom clothes), and do dinner (maybe still with Kevin). Then we return him to wherever he's going that night and head to Affirm's Prom. I'm really excited about that because I will get a chance to see a lot of my friends from last summer and senior year. Shane should be coming but I have to check up on that. Nate even said he might be coming. Anyway, I know it will be good. I will get to see my aunt, uncle, and grandmother on Saturday when we go to a Cafe and Then Some show. I'll keep updating and hopefully it will be more than just me rambling about the events in my life.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Flickr and Finals

It has been over a week since my last post on here. I don't feel bad though, at least I'm posting. I started up a SpectrUM group so all our members can join Flickr and upload their photos to our stream. The group is private though, so don't go looking for it, just email me and I'll send you an invite.

I have SOOOO much work to do for my finals. I'm almost too embarrassed to list it all. Actually, I am too embarrassed to list it all. Today I didn't really spend enough time working on my Physics homework. I really wish my roommate didn't go to sleep so freaking early because the best place for me to do my work is in my room starting now. (or a few hours ago) But instead I'm going to have him wake me up early 9:30am and we'll study all day, I hope.

Tonight I went rollerblading with Danny, my future roommate. I think we will get along very well. We rollerbladed all around and got a semi-workout before heading to the C-store so I could get a protein bar and he could get ice cream. Then we snuck into the music school practice building with our blades on and food in our hands. It was awesome. I'm not even allowed in the building because I'm not a music student. We got a practice room and he played the piano while I played around with my camera. We took some pretty cool shots. One of which is below.

Check out this awesome animation I made:

Okay, that's enough for now. I'm out.