Mono and finals
Well yesterday I found out that I have mono.. lol and I found out how a got it. This is a very interesting story.
I've been sick for at least 3 weeks now with a sore throat and been to the doctor three times. At first they gave me an anesthetic for my throat so I could eat... and tested me for mono and herpes. Well I didn't have either and my white blood cell count suggested that I had a virus. So the day after Thanksgiving I went to the ER and they gave me a shot which was great cuz I didn't have to use the anesthetic gel.
Well a week passed and I felt horrible again. My throat was nasty and swollen... the shot had stopped working. My birthday was not nearly as fun as it could have been. SO I went to the doctor again on Monday. The Dr. took one look at my throat and immediately said that I had mono and that I should be tested again. I went in on Tuesday and sure enough.. the test came back positive this time. So I had already been put on oral steroids to replace the shot. They taste like crap but worked overnight. Now I'm feeling pretty well.
Anyway.. how I got it: I think: About two months ago there was an anti-hate crime vigil held by SpectrUM and after attending it.. I ended up in a lesbian club called Fever. Well as the night got late and everyone but me and this other girl go drunk, they started to get slutty. This one girl named Lisa was coming out to her sorority girls in DeeGee and came along with us for a gay night out. She was the one who started spin the bottle. I wasn't "playing" per se but when Lisa, who I might add was hot despite her apparent drunkenness, demanded I kiss her, I did. It wasn't a real kiss and I said so after she pulled away. And she agreed. So she came back for more. This time we made out. I have to admit it was fun.. But considering the number of people she had kissed before me, probably not worth it.
I came to realize this is where I probly caught Mono last night when I was talking to Kristen, who was also at Fever that night. She apparently has Mono also. Some other people are also sick but we're not sure if they have Mono or not. I love how you meet another person with Mono and you're like all excited to have the same thing. lol We really connected on the pamphlet they give you called "So you've got mono." We said it simultaneously and then clapped our hands twice in unison for some odd reason. I'm sure it looked wierd to bystanders but they can get over it.
Anyway, I'm feeling mostly better and I think I've finally gotten rid of the nasal congestion that has kinda plagued me in recent days. Today on the elevator I was feeling bold and I tried hocking a loogie. And BOOM, my mouth was filled with this sinuous hardish substance. And I mean my mouth was filled. Thank god no one got on the elevator before I reached the 12th floor. I went to the bathroom and spit it out onto a piece of toilet paper so I could examine my findings. I'm not so sure about this but I think it might have been a part of my nasal cavity that fell off, or some really big booger that was somehow attached to the back of my throat: cuz I was bleeding a little... lol.. sorry if that's TMI. I'm sure if you are squeamish you wouldn't have made it this far. Either way.. I felt quite relieved to be able to flush that thing away.
Today, before I got rid of my nasal problems, I had my Physics 205 Final Exam... whew. I was seriously scared I would fail it miserably but the test offered enough choice that I was able to complete the whole test and feel reasonably well about the results. I promised to play in this Cantata that my church is putting on Dec 19th. I'm a first violin in the show and I have only picked up my violin a couple times since I've been on campus. So my plan is to practice every day for at least an hour after each exam. And for a couple hours on the weekend. Hopefully, that way I'll be ready to play the Messiah Cantata up to speed. I'm not a big fan of Handel but I'm traditionally in these kinds of things at church, and this would force me to practice so I agreed to it.
Another thing that happened today: Sophia Yang asked me bluntly if I was gay. I was taken aback as many people are when they are pinpointed and accused of being something that is painfully true. I'm not "gay" but bisexual and I coward-heartedly failed to make that distinction to Sophia. I just said I was not gay which is a stupid white lie. But I consider Sophia to be a sensible person and, I feel bad about lying and in good time will talk to her about it. I do want to figure out where the rumor originated from. I tried to figure out who spread that rumor to her but she was reluctant to say. I'm afraid to just flatly tell her because I don't know where her priorities lie and my brother and I have not yet discussed this issue. More on this later when I know more.
Anyway, I have to go to bed now because I have an exam at 2pm tomorrow. It's programming so it should be easy but I still need to get rest and enough study time.
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