Okay.. I know I haven't posted in a little while but what can I say, I've been sick. Really, I have. I'm almost done with this bottle of chloraseptic. My throat has been swollen for a week and I'm definately going to see the Student Health Center tomorrow.
Okay, there are a couple of things on my mind right now. Breath. My ex IM'd my brother yesterday and said that he needed me to call him. At first I thought it was really wierd but I called him right away because I can't imagine it would hurt. As it turns out he didn't answer so I left a message. He called me this morning at 7:45am. But even after going to sleep at 3.. I was awake due to my throat and back pains. It was soooo nice to be able to talk to him... but there's a catch. His dad died on Wednesday. I know what it was like for him in the family and I know that it was very hard to cope at times but I admire him greatly for how well he was able to do it. I start to cry when I think about it. I dont' know how it happened and don't really want to. We talked for only 15 minutes but it seemed like an eternity as we tried to catch up on life. I don't know if I'm just crazy or what but I felt that we were meant for each other during that phone call the same way I did when we were dating. When I think back... I notice that we broke up for two very immature reasons. When I come back to reality I see that I will be flying back home the day he leaves for auditions in NYC. Fate certainly has its ways. And I won't be going back for Thanksgiving.
Okay.. so enough of that. I have been talking to Jeremy a lot lately on skype (lol... of course he checks my blog, he must be the only one). LMAO, we tried tuning his new guitar over skype... very interesting... The strings are so new and soft that it goes out of tune very quickly. Anyway, I hope he learns a lot about the guitar in the next few days.
That reminds me that I am supposed to be getting some Christmas music in the mail from Elizabeth Blair... lol I have to play in church on the 18th. We'll see how that goes.
What else, oh yeh. Last Friday night I went to a club called Coliseum and this guy from UM said hi and that I had a nice body... w/e. But if that wasn't a creepy enough introduction, he asked Alyssa for my number and she freaking gave it to him. So Jon, that's his name, calls me on Sunday while I'm asleep and I tell him that I'm asleep. Then he calls me this Friday and asks me to go to this "cocktail" that his friend is throwing. I agree to go but then cancel when I get back from dinner and I'm not feeling well. Somehow he weasles me into saying yes and I take a "power nap" before he picks me and Logan up at 8. Well I looked like crap but I was after all sick. We went to his house for him to change, which took forever. Then we went all the way to freaking Barry University in Fort Lauderdale to pick up Josh. By the time he had run all his errands and we got to the cocktail it was already 11:30... He definately could have just left us on campus, run his errands and then picked us up. Anyway... this story gets longer. Jon tries to get me to drink at least 3 times and then gets really drunk himself. I just made my own drinks by mixing different juices together, lol. At one point in the night Jon comes up to me and asks me "what I expect from him" like whether he should "invest in me" as a friend or a potential date. I was like WTF?? (probly the same thing that is going through your head right now) Anyway, I recovered my jaw from the floor and told him I didn't expect anything from him and that I probly was a better friend than date. He took that well but I think only because he didn't want to believe it (he still thought he had a chance, please give me a break). As he got drunker and drunker he started to put his arm around me and stuff. Ugh.. again, give me a break.
So I ended up not riding with him to the pre-white party. I definately went back to campus with some of the cooler (read::more sober) UM kids there. I got a call from him yesterday at like 10 asking me to go on a yacht with him and some rich guy... I was asleep again and told him flatly so. Then... this is the real kicker. I get a call from him at like 6pm on Saturday and I think he was just trying to talk casually but it was really akward so he ended up saying that I was a really cool guy and he wanted to "incorporate" me into his group of friends. WTF WTF WTF??? I took offense to this and I was tired of his crap so I basically just went off on him over the phone. lol I told him that a click of friends like that is very fake. That's why I didn't join a frat because I would have to be friends with some people even if I didn't want to. I don't want to be invited to dinner and feel obligated to "the group" to go; I want to feel obligated to a person to go. Lol, I think I made him really mad but at least he got the point. He even tried to argue with me that I should take his "offer" of friendship. UGH. I just want to wash my hands after typing that concept.
Anyway.. I think that's all I have to say for now... I'll hopefully update soon
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