
Thursday, November 04, 2004

America will suffer the consequences of the choice it has made. That is clear. What those consequences are still remains to be seen. The Right-Wing Bushies and the Extremist Right-Wing Congressmen elected in 2004 will obliterate the America we know today. Roe v. Wade will fall and anti-sodomy laws will come back into play as gay marriage is banned. The govermental system of social programs will go bankrupt on purpose.... so they can privatize everything to hell. The "moral issues" that supposedly decided the election are the most distressing things to me. That euphamism means nothing more than the most hateful and biased compelling force called christianity.

What remains moral and fair about a president that gave his CEO friends jobs in the cabinet and contracts to his VP's company? How can you claim to have saved a single american when you've purposefully and remorslessly killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children just because of who they worship and who their leader was (which was certainly non of your business).

President Bush, I hate you. It's that simple. But I've hated you for four years now. Hate doesn't go far enough.... at all. So right now my hate expands to at least 55 million rebublicans who gave their votes to you. I did all I could to stop it and while my campus turned out in record numbers to vote against you, the cuban propaganda van came to campus to heckle the students waiting in line for upwards of 5 hours.

What I want you to know is that you have succeeded not in controlling a very powerful country but in alienating and provoking millions of people accross the world. I can tell you right now that I get the sense that I know what the 9/11 terrorists were feeling. They felt compelled to hurt us because of people like you who offended and provoked them. I now feel compelled (even in my pascifist ideals, like the muslim traditions) to hurt you and your supporters. This divide is so significant in my life that I will not breathe a breath of pro-Bush air for the rest of my life. Over the next couple of days, I am in the process of violently breaking ties with my bigotting aquaintences. My purpose is to not help them in any aspect of life.

I cannot even begin to describe how angry I am. Mourning will not work. I think that while writing this entry I have just come to realize that Kerry didn't win. Tenenbaum didn't win. Nader didn't get any votes. Daschle lost. Florida went to Bush. And the country is divided more than I could ever imagine it could be. They say that during Vietnam the country split, after Nixon's re-election the country split. But both of those times were not orchestrated by the party in power. Somebody was deathly afraid of communism and took it too far. A bad president won re-election after doing some good and some bad. BUT HERE, we have a miserable, crazy, sneaky, fascist president, who did so little good its not even funny and so much bad, winning re-election.

I've heard people say over and over again that we hit rock bottom today and last night. That's the truth...but my questions aris about whether rock bottom is now.... or when Bush starts to unleash his mad tri-fecta.

We all got that "thought." You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are aware that the assault weapons ban expired. You are aware that the president supports your right to bear arms. And you feel, in protest to that right, that the most appropriate thing to do is to bear arms against him. The militia is protected in the Constitution for times like these, not for gang-wars. If you had that "thought" that maybe, just maybe, you could point and shoot, then please have trust in the fanatics of this world. We KNOW they exist. The foreign ones have done over 4,000(bodies) in damage to us in recent years. The locals are much more inspiring, however. I love how D.C voted 91% against Bush. That's the city where he'll be inaugurated if he makes it that far, btw. We're all fanatics for the next four years and if we unite ourselves, then in four years we'll have someone, just as far to the left as Bush is(was) to the right.

I don't really know how to stop writing because my mind won't stop till Bush is dead, impeached, or not allowed back, but here it is. The End for now.


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